Thursday, January 30, 2020

Something I wrote at a website that's infested with evolution deniers, also known as Christian assholes.

Do you think Christian creationists are wonderful people?

For example, they are constantly trying to suppress the teaching of evolution so that the students learn nothing about it. Isn't that wonderful?

And when necessary they will harass and threaten biology teachers who teach evolution. Isn't that wonderful?


Some "Idiot America" stuff written by know-nothing Christian assholes who think evolution is wrong:

"Why do the school systems push an un-proven theory about evolution onto students, and teaching as if it's a fact? The theory of evolution has never been 100% proven, so why teach it. Creationism has also not been proven as fact. If the school systems are going to teach a theory they should first tell the students that what they are about to teach is not fact, so you must take it with a grain of salt."


"Don't you think you should prove it before you teach it as fact?"


Anyone who doesn't suck up to this anti-science asshole is a bigot:

"Are you one of those anti-Christian/creationism hate-mongers and bigots?"


A normal person wrote this. It's a good example of Idiot America's biology teachers who know nothing about biology.

"I had to learn it on my own during high school. It wasn't taught until I reached college. At least, back then, they weren't pushing intelligent design or creation science."

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