Saturday, January 25, 2020

I asked a dumb question about Christian creationists (aka assholes for Jeebus), and I got an excellent answer which I agree with.

My question:

Christian Creationists will waste their entire lives being completely wrong about everything. Do you feel sorry for them?

The perfect answer:

Nope, they deserve it for being genuine scum. They try to force their retard beliefs into school and have science (arguably the most important subject next to math) be removed. They try to force their moronic worldview, which is ancient superstition about magical fairy daddies, onto normal human beings who prefer reality. They are against progress, science, education, logic, advancements, and reality. They aren't people you should feel sorry for, they should be laughed at.

And this doesn't just apply to creationtards, it applies to all religiturds. I would argue that non-creationist christians are just as bad, if not worse than creationists. While creationtards actively try to avoid science and reality and instead focus on their own fairytales, non-creationtard christians try to poison science from within. They "accept" science, but they actively try to fit their magic and stories into real science, for example that god is controlling evolution. They are actively trying to ruin science and dumbing it down, just to make it fit with their ancient fairytales about an idiot fairy.

I personally prefer retard christians that stick to their moronic beliefs and don't try to involve them with reality and science, over retard christians who try to mix their moronic beliefs into science. While creationtards deny science, they at least aren't trying to shove their dumbass god into science.

-- Fredrik



This question and this answer was vaporized by an asshole. I'm glad I put it here. What Fredrik wrote was excellent, especially "retard christians who try to mix their moronic beliefs into science."

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