Saturday, November 21, 2020

If you don't play chess then there is something wrong with you. Fortunately that's easy to fix.


Threefold repetition: This most commonly occurs when neither side is able to avoid repeating moves without incurring a disadvantage. In this situation, either player can claim a draw; this requires the players to keep a valid written record of the game so that the claim can be verified by the arbiter if challenged. The three occurrences of the position need not occur on consecutive moves for a claim to be valid. The addition of the fivefold repetition rule in 2014 requires the arbiter to intervene immediately and declare the game a draw after five occurrences of the same position, consecutive or otherwise, without requiring a claim by either player. FIDE rules make no mention of perpetual check; this is merely a specific type of draw by threefold repetition.


Thank goodness for the internet. I will never again play chess with someone who is in the same room as me. These days when I play chess my opponent is usually on the other side of the world.

When the position is repeated 3 times, automatically calls the game a draw because that's a preference I selected on their website. This and many other things make playing chess easy. For example, I don't have to push a button on a chess clock after I move. The computer does this for me.

Many chess players are assholes and they make unnecessary noise. That's not a problem on the internet.

Thank goodness I discovered a few years ago. They are free, there are zero ads, and they are the best chess website in the universe. Also, it's the best place to learn how to play chess or watch chess games.

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