Wednesday, August 26, 2020

I wrote this for some Christian fucktards.

Why do some people call God "The Magic Man"? For example, they will say "The Magic Man did it."
Some normal people, aka atheists, wrote this stuff:
It's meant to demean, like when creationists dumb down science as "pond scum to people" "you believe in fish to fishermen".
When Christians reject scientific explanations it's because they prefer to believe that their god did everything by magic. "Magic man" seems to be a good description of how they see him.
It is an attempt to ridicule those that reject scientific explanations for the natural world and claim that "God did it." God did it is the equivalent of claiming it was magic. The ignorant have often explained things they don't understand as magic. Since God is often described as male, (father, lord, and by male pronouns) and he performs magic, the phrase "magic man," although derogatory it is appropriate.

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