Monday, August 31, 2020

Here in Idiot America where I live most of the population thinks there is a magical creature with unlimited magical powers who hides somewhere in the universe and the thing loves us. I'm not making this up. Most Americans are fucking insane.

This magical creature is usually called "God" or "Allah".

Here in Idiot America we also have something called "religions". Religions were invented by the same morons who invented the God/Allah thing. There are numerous religions and every religion has several branches. Every religion has been invented to make stuff up about the God/Allah thing, and they all had their own ideas about it.

Since these religions and gods were invented by morons they are of course all bullshit. Americans love their bullshit. They couldn't exist without it. It's a stupidity problem.

Religions are businesses. They make tons of money from the fucktards who belong to their cults. And to keep this lucrative business from going extinct they have invented something called "religious brainwashing". The idea is to brainwash children at a very young age when they are very gullible. This is child abuse but in Idiot America it's legal. The victims learn how to be retards.

There are numerous nicknames for the God thing. I recently asked some people to help me learn what some of the nicknames are.


What is your favorite nickname for God?

For example, Zeus, Sky Daddy, Magic Man, Jeebus.


Everlasting Father. Almighty God.


I don't have one as gods don't exist other than within the twisted religious mindset.


Fictional character.


I generally use Guzmia.


DOG same as god only spelled backwards.


Lord Jesus Savior Jehovah. But Jehovah is God's real name anyway.


God doesn't have nicknames and whatever the hell you wrote is made up fictitious mockery that came from your mind that doesn't relate to God whatsoever.

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