Saturday, April 25, 2020

I liked this comment at the New York Times about Fucktard Trump and Biden.

Jerry Schulz

Mr. Zimmerman paints a clear picture of the complex issues the President should ideally navigate in battling the Covid-19 crisis. For example, he should work in an organized way on multiple fronts to battle the illness while also working simultaneously to oversee the mechanics of reopening the economy.

But I think we’ve gotten to the point where it’s become unproductive to waste any more mental and emotional energy bemoaning how poor a job President Trump is doing in managing this crisis. He clearly is in way over his head. And, there is no reason to think he is suddenly going to get any better at this tough job. We just have to accept that we must muddle through nine more months of this until we have a replacement, who almost certainly will be Vice President Biden. Unless, of course, we have the unthinkable event that despite all of this the voters would decide we need four more years of this nightmare.

What makes all this especially tragic is that our President needs to play a dual role, both leading our country and also acting as the leader of the “free world,” which increasingly means all the world. So now that world is adrift at the worst possible time.

But I have no illusion that this will be that much easier for VP Biden. He’s a fine person, but he will need plenty of help. Mr. Zimmerman recently wrote a great column about how VP Biden should begin assembling a team of the best and brightest to help him be equal to challenges like this. I hope he will start today.

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