Sunday, February 9, 2020

Mike Bloomberg makes liberal crybabies cry.

Michael Bloomberg's 2020 campaign senior adviser Tim O'Brien defended the billionaire and former New York City mayor against his fellow Democratic presidential candidates who accuse him of trying to "buy" the nomination, calling it a "distraction."

"The reality is it's a distraction what they're saying. Mike Bloomberg has more governing experience than anyone else in the Democratic field," O'Brien said on "America's News HQ" on Saturday. "He's someone who stands on a stack of accomplishments as a philanthropist, a self-made businessman, and someone who's governed one of the most complex cities in the world successfully."

During Friday night's ABC News Democratic debate in New Hampshire, the Bloomberg was criticized for his approach.

"But I guess if you're worth 60 billion dollars, you could spend several hundred million dollars on commercials. You'd have a slight advantage," Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders said of Bloomberg. "That is nonsense."

O'Brien argued against the notion that Bloomberg could purchase an election.

"Money will buy you exposure. Money does not buy you an election," O'Brien told anchor Arthel Neville. "If you could buy elections, some of the other candidates who spent heavily wouldn't be stuck at 1 or 2 percent."

The adviser also defended Bloomberg's spending, justifying it by pointing to President Trump.

"It's necessary because Mike Bloomberg recognizes there is a five-alarm fire in the White House," O'Brien said. "He is a public servant with a public conscience. And he sees this campaign as the culmination of his life's work."

"There is no one running right now who would be a more effective, conscientious and ethically clean president than Mike Bloomberg," O'Brien added. "And he's got a track record to show it."

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