Sunday, February 9, 2020

Christian fucktards and their magical soul fantasy. I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucking moron.

I asked these questions: What does a soul look like? Also, who invented the soul? Did someone just make stuff up?


This is one of many fucktard answers:

The Creator God is the origin of life as we mortals experience it..... the soul is generated at is a form of energy..... the soul has a finite existence..... unless God converts it at the end of its mortal time......


The soul was obviously invented to explain how a dead human ape (but no other species) could magically fly to a magical paradise for gullible cowardly morons, despite the obvious fact that the decomposing corpse doesn't go anywhere because it's fucking dead.

The soul is invisible. The magical soul is magically inserted into a human baby before it's born.

These Christian fucktards probably think their dead bodies are magically recreated for the heaven thing. Lots of fucking magic is required to be a Christian.

Then, of course, we have the Muslims who like to blow themselves up so they can see Allah. I don't know how that works and I don't care. I know enough to know Muslims are fucking insane, as are the Christians.

Christians are Christians because they're cowards and because they never learned how to think. A big part of religious brainwashing is making the young victims as stupid and gullible as possible. Most of the time, thanks to centuries of practice, this child abuse works, especially in fucktard countries like Idiot America where I live.

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