Sunday, January 31, 2021

Some people are able to throw out their religious brainwashing. This is one of them.

Evolution has been an accepted fact for 200 years. Why are there still evolution deniers in the 21st century?


People who tend to take the Bible as literal understand that evolution invalidates the creation stories and rather than objectively examine their beliefs and the facts, believe that evolution is wrong without ever trying to actually understand the facts. Even some like Ken Ham, who do try somewhat, maintain a large amount of cognitive dissonance

Personally, I grew up in an Evangelical-Fundamentalist background (with some other stuff thrown in) and I never tried to learn what evolution was or the evidence that supports it. I just assumed that it was wrong and that if one were to look at the evidence, it would be quite plain that evolution was wrong. It wasn't until I heard a news piece about a Ph.D. who specialized in the effect of natural disasters on evolution that I began to suspect that I did not have a full picture (I was in my late 30's). I eventually sat down and forced myself to objectively research claims that I thought showed creation to be true and claims about why evolution is true. At first it was really hard to objectively consider the science behind evolution, but as I learned more, it became hard to objectively look at creationist claims and not just dismiss them out of hand.


By the way, it has only been 70 to 90 years that evolution has been fully accepted, i.e. since the last anti-evolution paper was accepted and in the 1930s, evolution had a major overhaul from Darwin's original proposal due to the resurfacing of genetics -- at least as I understand it, but I'm not a science historian.

-- Pirate AM™

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