Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What someone else wrote about Idiot America's creationist assholes.

I would add this to what he wrote: If you're a Christian and you accept evolution then you have to admit your dead Magic Jeebus Man was an uneducated moron. Also, you can't be sticking your god fairy into science with your moronic childish "theistic evolution" bullshit.

I don't agree with this idea: "Religion could co-exist with science."

The idea that supernatural bullshit could co-exist with science is ridiculous.

Also he wrote this: "Christianity is in need of reform."

I have a better idea: Christianity needs to be thrown in the fucking garbage because the whole thing is insane bullshit.


My question:

Evolution by natural selection is the most interesting branch of science. Why do some Christians want to throw it out?


His excellent answer:

It doesn't matter how interesting it is or isn't. What matters is that it's a VERY well supported theory. Not only do we have numerous natural experiments where we have seen evolution in action in real time, but we have lab experiments that show it as well. We have DNA evidence, fossil evidence, skeletal evidence, and more.

Half a dozen fields all fit together with evolutionary biology in terms of time scales, how the mechanics work, and more. While specific details of the field are still being tested and explored, the basic mechanics are very well known and very well supported.

What ticks me off is not that Christians WANT to throw it out. It's that they're being self-deceptive and intellectually dishonest about it. They don't do the homework to actually learn about it, then get on boards like this one and act like they've actually done the reading, but reveal through ignorant misrepresentations that in fact they have not. All they've done is go to a creationist website that cherry picks and distorts the science in a way that pleases them. And it's DISHONEST. "Thou shalt not lie" just isn't that important a commandment evidently.

And you CAN be a theist and acknowledge the reality of evolution. I've met them. But you can't subscribe to a literal bible philosophy. Which should be obvious since the thing contradicts ITSELF dozens of times.

Christianity is in need of reform. The bible, and I would argue the old gnostic gospels as well, should all be re-evaluated in a new Nicean Council in order to toss the stuff that science has disproven (the Noah flood, the creation myth), toss the parts that advocate killing people (like heretics and witches), fix the contradictions, and just leave the good stuff.

Then at least they would have a religion worth defending. And which could co-exist with science. It would still be wrong, IMHO, but as an atheist, it would be A LOT HARDER to show how preposterous it is.

-- Entropy

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