Friday, September 11, 2020

There are a lot of fucktards in Idiot America. Fucking wimps. Stupid fucking assholes. Crybabies for Allah. Politically correct assholes. Liberal scum.

19 years ago today on September 11, 2001, 19 people killed 3,000 Americans. What was their religion?

NORMAL PERSON: "They were murdered by followers of Islam. Liars and apologists are trying to claim it was an inside job but they are disgusting scum and crackpots."

FUCKTARD: The terrorists called themselves Muslim, but, what they did is very much against what it says in the Quran, so, I have my doubts that they actually were.

FUCKTARD: It doesn't really matter.

FUCKTARD: George Bush was in the Skull and Bones Society so probably Satanism.

WHAT A FUCKING MORON: If we cannot determine the nationality of every single dead person, how could we possibly determine their religion?

FUCKTARD: It doesn't matter which religion.

UPDATE: This whole thing was vaporized. Stupid fucking assholes love censorship. Almost everything makes them cry.

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