Friday, September 11, 2020

Somebody else wrote this about politically correct assholes. Extremely well done. Fantastic what he wrote and I agree with the whole thing.

Political correctness is a cancer. It is a problem if we cannot state and address uncomfortable truths. Then the problems are even harder to fix than they’d otherwise be, just to spare the feelings of some wimps. For example many liberals will cry when you point out that Islam is a religion of destruction and pedophilia that promotes terrorism (for example there was something that happened 19 years ago today thanks to muslim scumbags). A fairytale that causes people to fly into buildings and blow themselves up along with other people is a bad thing, and it is ridiculous to pretend otherwise. Ignoring the issue and pretending otherwise won’t make it go away. Muslims will just continue to be insane assholes for their psychopath pedophile fairy.

Same thing goes for many conservative wimps, they’ll cry when you say that creationism is a poison that brainwashes children into retarded scientifically illiterate religious nut jobs. Creationism doesn’t have to be respected, it is possible for beliefs to be downright garbage and this is a prime example. It is nonsense and a part of their fairytale, it should not be given the same respect as scientific fact. Respecting creationism as a belief will hold back scientific progress and dumb down the nation. Creationism should be called out for the ignorant dogshit that it is.

Reality doesn’t care about political correctness. Facts are facts.

-- Oddreidar

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