Friday, September 11, 2020

Other people wrote this stuff about why magical creationism is boring while evolution is interesting.

Why does evolution seem so much more intellectually engaging and exciting than creationism?


creationism = god-did-it. There is nothing more to say about it.

Evolution is a fact with thousands of interesting evidences.


The process it's all about the puzzle and solving it rather than having it solved for you only to find it was a lie to begin with.

Science teaches one how to think and to find factual answers for yourself.

Religions teach one what to think irrelevant to what the facts are.


Because there's no intellectual engagement in Creationism.

Creationism starts with "God did it" and ends with "I have faith that that's the truth." There's no searching for evidence. There aren't any observations, hypotheses, testing, theories, peer review.


Because reality (evolution) is far more complex and produces fair more amazing results than mythology (creation). It is also more rewarding to study something in-depth than to be simply told god did it.


That's because with evolution you have to think it through. and once you cross the bridge to getting the answer, it's great. with god, it's boring and you're told everything and the message is boring. personally, I think science makes more sense. but god is a temptation because it sounds so nice. it's like pursuing your dreams to be a pro athlete or singer. you have a snowball's chance in making it. But it sounds so nice you fall for it.


Creationism requires blind faith. It does not require thinking or reasoning. In fact thinking and reasoning would result in skepticism about creationism and are therefore discouraged. Creationists in fact have to resort to lying to convince the faithful that creationism is the Truth. Evolution is science, and it requires thinking, investigations, gathering of facts and reasoning, because there is so much we still do not know about how it happens and exactly what happened in the past. No one is required to believe in evolution, but people accept evolution because it is the most logical and reasonable explanation for what we have observed in nature.


There's no comparison between science, facts and reality, and myths, superstitions, ignorance, and stupidity.

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