Monday, September 7, 2020

I'm adding this stuff to my list of favorite quotes.

How could anyone study the overwhelming evidence for evolution and still be a know-nothing anti-science creationist?

Anatomy. Species may share similar physical features because the feature was present in a common ancestor (homologous structures).

Molecular biology. DNA and the genetic code reflect the shared ancestry of life.

DNA comparisons can show how related species are.

Biogeography. The global distribution of organisms and the unique features of island species reflect evolution and geological change.

Fossils. Fossils document the existence of now-extinct past species that are related to present-day species.


Creationists are by definition anti-science. What is amusing to me is the pick out unaccredited "scientists" to support their false views. They do not look at the evidence honestly. Any scientist that rejects evidence is not a real scientist. Most of the so called experts creationists cite have unaccredited degrees and usually not in biology. Can a theist be a scientist? Yes. But a scientist can't believe God and science are compatible and be taken seriously. Only 0.02% of real scientists believe God and science go together and all of their hypotheses are false. (Such as Michael Behe and his irreducibly complex bullshit, or Stephen Meyer claiming the Cambrian Explosion is evidence for God). How do you convince someone with evidence who doesn't respect evidence?"


Creationists don't study evolution, which is why they keep getting the facts wrong. They think that evolution started with Darwin (wrong), that evolution follows the path of progress (wrong), that there are no transitional fossils (wrong), that the origin of life is supposed to be explained by evolution (wrong), etc.


Because they don't study it. They rely on crackpots looking to make bank to tell them what to think and believe. Their worldview is all wrapped up in a god creating everything. Anything that disturbs that or makes them question has to be immediately discarded. Cognitive dissonance is their best friend here.


They don't study the evidence. Everything that know-nothing anti-science creationists "knows" about evolution is what they've been spoon-fed by other know-nothing anti-science creationists.

The result of that is exactly what one would expect.


They refuse to look at the evidence which is why they keep spouting rubbish like there are no transitional fossils.


It is easier to understand a couple of sentences in a holy book than understand molecular structure, DNA, chemistry, and other complicated sciences.


Some people don't want to look at the evidence. I had an acquaintance on Facebook who posted something to the effect that evolution was just a theory. I responded to his post with several proofs of evolution and he unfriended me.

Clearly, there was no point in trying to educate him. He was scientifically illiterate and he will forever remain scientifically illiterate.

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