Saturday, September 5, 2020

"Idiot America Stupid". Christians are insane. Millions of brainwashed American assholes agree with this fucking idiot.

Somebody asked a good question:

"If God asked you to kill your child, would you do it? Are you a true believer like Abraham was?"


This is what the fucktard for Jeebus wrote:

The Lord will not ask you to kill your son, first of all, because you are an atheist, and secondly, God tested Abraham to see if he loved him more than his son.

Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son because he knew that God would resurrect him and give him again in Abraham's arms.

The Lord stopped Abraham's arm, and said, do not kill your son, I put you to the test to see if you love me more than Him.

Even though God sometimes allows a Christian to die on earth, he will resurrect him before the day of his judgment.

And you, whose side are you on? With God, or with Satan?

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