Tuesday, February 4, 2020


I just endured a one hour and 20 minutes speech. It's a once a year thing. The speaker is the President. It's called the "State of the Union Speech" and it's supposed to be a big fucking deal.

Trump gave the speech but of course he didn't write it. He is too fucking stupid to write anything.

About half the speech was about the economy which is excellent these days. Anyone can get a job and people are making more money.

There was some god bullshit. For example, praying in public schools is a good thing. We celebrate faith. The god fairy is "Almighty God". God bless America.

We are going to walk on Mars.

We killed an Iranian general and that's a good thing.

We killed some terrorists and that's a good thing.

During the speech, about once a minute, the Republicans stood to clap their hands for a long time.

The speech was well done. Trump is going to win the election in 2020 if the Democrats nominate one of their socialist morons. Mike Bloomberg is the only candidate who can defeat him, and still it might be close.

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