Tuesday, February 4, 2020

More good news about Mike Bloomberg. I'm convinced he will be the next president.

I'm seeing lots of good things about Mike Bloomberg. More people want to vote for him. And Mike will be allowed in the next debate which will be on February 19 in Nevada. That's a big deal because he is so obviously the best candidate and now more voters will realize it.

This is a comment someone wrote at the New York Times about why Joe Biden is a mistake and why Mike Bloomberg should get the job.


Joe is the default, vanilla, good shelf placement candidate. He is about as inspiring as John Kerry and other hacks who the Dem establishment has picked for us. He has lost two presidential primaries. His expiration date is long past.

We need someone who not only can beat Trump but who also has done something besides pontificate.

We don't need a Socialist ideologue nor a Washington insider.

Mike Bloomberg is the person for the job. He is more experienced in making things happen than all the others put together. He is drawing blood from the psychopath and Trump is tweeting up a storm against him.

Mike can and will get it done. On his own dime.

I like Mike and believe that he will finally restore some sanity to this country.

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