Thursday, February 6, 2020

Democrats who want to get rid of Trump, just nominate Mike Bloomberg FFS.

A comment someone wrote at the New York Times about the Democrats who want to get rid of Trump but they are doing everything wrong:

Joanna Whitmire
South Carolina

The Democrats will continue to advance "progressive" candidates and their over-the-top, wacko agendas.

They should never have pursued the impeachment path. They were warned that Trump WAS GOING TO BE ACQUITTED NO MATTER WHAT and that very outcome was only going to help his election prospects and embolden his base. (They should have censured Trump in the House and have been done with it).

They preach to the choir in echo chambers (like the NYTIMES, WAPO, CNN, and MSNBC) . . . while wearing blinders.

History may not repeat itself - exactly - but sometimes events look so similar that it seems like history does repeat itself to the tee. 2020 will be 1972 all over again (though the Democratic candidate (whoever that is) will win more states than Mass.). Then, when they lose, they'll blame the Russians and the opposition for not "being fair." But, their loss will be their own fault.

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