Friday, March 1, 2019

One more time so dense people can understand.

Why is the name of this blog "Darwin killed God"?

Because it's true. In 1859 when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species he totally killed the ridiculous god fantasy.

Before 1859 the god of the gaps explained the diversity of life. This was the god fairy's most important job. Charles Darwin's brilliant but simple Natural Selection idea showed why the god fairy's magical powers were not necessary for something as complex as the development of millions of species. So why pretend the fairy was necessary for anything else? A god fairy with nothing to do is a fairy that doesn't exist.

The Christian fucktards who pretend they accept evolution, always stick their Magic Jeebus Man into it to guide or invent or use evolution. To defend their fairy they can't admit it had nothing to do with how species evolved.

Then of course the Christians of Idiot America can't accept evolution at all. They refuse to study it and they refuse to admit evolution is how the world works. They know if they admit evolution is true then their fairy isn't real.

What we have here in Idiot America are evolution deniers who are insane, and we have "theistic evolutionists" who are equally insane because they think natural selection requires their magic fairy. There is nothing theistic about any branch of science, especially not evolution. Theistic evolution is childish bullshit.

The most recent Gallup poll shows that only 19% of Americans agree with the biologists, evolution is true and the fairy's magic wand had nothing to do with it. The other 81% are fucking idiots.

What about the other hiding places for the god of the gaps? For example what caused the Big Bang? Was it a natural process or did the Magic Man do it?

If the Magic Man had nothing to with evolution, it's fair to say it wasn't necessary to explain the beginning of the universe.

Of course even without the never-ending scientific progress, the idea there's a god thing hiding somewhere in the universe is too childish and too ridiculous to take seriously. Also, the magic fairy is impossible because magic is not real.


"Atheism is the world of reality, it is reason, it is freedom, Atheism is human concern, and intellectual honesty to a degree that the religious mind cannot begin to understand. And yet it is more than this. Atheism is not an old religion, it is not a new and coming religion, in fact it is not, and never has been, a religion at all. The definition of Atheism is magnificent in its simplicity: Atheism is merely the bed-rock of sanity in a world of madness."
-- Emmett F. Fields

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