Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bible thumpers like to thump their bible.

There are Christians who devote their entire pathetic lives studying the moronic bullshit in their disgusting bible. They are called bible thumpers. Most of them live in Idiot America.

Their knowledge of bullshit is vast. Ask one of these idiots a question about bible bullshit. It takes them just one second to find the bullshit that answers the question. They explain all the bible bullshit in great detail.

100% of these bible thumpers are evolution deniers. Even though they can spend many hours a day studying bible bullshit they have never once in their lives spent one minute studying evolution.

Their evidence for evolution being wrong: The bible has a better story, a magical story that explains the diversity of life. The bible is always right because the bible is the word of god. The bible is the word of god because the bible says the bible is the word of god.

There is no cure for these anti-reality assholes. Extreme stupid can't be fixed.

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