Wednesday, January 31, 2018

This blog has more than 4,200 posts so it's possible I already wrote about this but here it is again. This is about the religious implications of evolution.

The god fantasy requires hiding places for the god of the gaps because a god fairy who never had to wave its magic wand is a fairy that doesn't exist.

Before Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 what was the fairy's most important job?

For thousands of years the fairy was invoked to explain the diversity of life, for example the 350,000 species of beetles. The fairy had to wave its magic wand 350,000 times to make those beetle species magically appear out of nothing.

Compared to magically creating millions of species the beginning of the universe would be very simple. The fairy only had to wave its wand once for that one.

Charles Darwin was the 1st scientist who provided evidence for evolution including the mechanism natural selection which was his idea. With one book Darwin wiped out the fairy's most important job.

When Christian fucktards and Muslim terrorists defend their fairy they always invoke it to explain the diversity of life. To accomplish this they either throw out evolution or they say the fairy was a mechanism of evolution.

Here in the 21st century we know evolution is true and we know the fairy had nothing to do with it. Charles Darwin knew this in the 19th century and that's what his book was about. He never once mentioned the existence of the fairy in his entire book because it was not necessary.

My point is Charles Darwin totally killed the ridiculous god fairy fantasy. Very few people understand this obviously true fact. Darwin killed God.

Therefore Charles Darwin was the most important person who ever lived. More than anyone else he completely changed everything. He was way ahead of his time.

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