Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cowardly Christian assholes try to suppress the teaching of evolution because they are afraid of the religious implications.

I live in Florida. In 2008, despite complaints from Christian crybabies, Florida adopted new public school science standards that made evolution one of the big ideas of science. A quote from the new standards: Evolution is the fundamental concept underlying all of biology and is supported by multiple forms of scientific evidence.

Our new public school science standards were written by scientists and science teachers. Anti-science Christians in Florida who know nothing about science thought they were more qualified than scientists to make decisions about science curriculums. Their failed attempt to destroy science education to accommodate their Christian Death Cult shows how cowardly they are. They know science, especially the facts of evolutionary biology, make their Christian beliefs, which always were nothing more than childish fantasies, even more idiotic. They know science education is what will eventually make their Jeebus cult extinct.

Should science education be dumbed down to accommodate these know-nothing assholes?

Of course not. The opinions of uneducated morons doesn't matter.

It's fair to say science education in Idiot America is terrible, especially in the backward hick-infested Bible Belt of the Deep South. But it can only improve. Eventually every student in America will have a competent biology teacher who will not be intimidated by Christian harassment and who will make evolution (the foundation of biology) a major part of every biology lesson. Because there is no scientific concept more interesting and more important than evolution, American students will learn how love science instead of fearing it or being bored by it. The students will then realize their religious indoctrination was bullshit. They will throw out their idiotic Christian fantasies, including the ridiculous idea that a god with unlimited magical powers had something to do with how the world works. Then America's pastors, preachers, and priests will have to get real jobs because new generations will no longer support their worthless careers.

Science education will, sooner or later, kill every idiotic religion and every idiotic god fantasy ever invented.

There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.
-- Stephen Hawking

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