Friday, August 14, 2020

Christians are stupid fucking assholes.

Almost all the Republicans who read the Wall Street Journal are brain-dead Christian assholes. The stupidity is overwhelming.

The WSJ has an article once a week called "Houses of Worship" which about 100% of the time is written by some insane fucktard who thinks the Magic Man is real.

For the 1st time in Wall Street Journal history, the "Houses of Worship" thing was written by a normal person, also known as an atheist.

I had a conversation with these stupid fucking god-soaked assholes. I made the morons for Jeebus cry.

Here it is. What I wrote is in Bold.


I Beat Addiction Without God."

That's a good thing because the god fairy is not real.

How nice we finally have a normal person, aka atheist, at this place.


Is it not a bit presumptuous and condescending to say believers are not normal?


There is nothing normal about believing in magic god fairies. This is the 21st century, not the Dark Ages.


There is nothing inherently different in the 21st century that makes believing in a superior power any less valid. In fact, one can now justify belief based on science and logic, whereas in the past it was simply something one was expected to do. I still ask, is it not presumptuous and condescending to say believers are not normal?


I'm sorry sir but believing in ridiculous fantasies that require throwing out reality is not normal. I would call it a disease, and unfortunately it's usually incurable.


Another fucktard wrote this bullshit:

It is equally irrational to assert with absolute certainty that there is a God as to assert there is not. Neither assertion can be proven.

Faith is a gift that you have apparently not been given or have rejected. That's fine, but don't try to pretend that others are not normal.


"It is equally irrational to assert with absolute certainty that there is a God as to assert there is not. Neither assertion can be proven."

We know your magic god fairy is not real because there is no magic in the universe. The Easter Bunny has the same problem.


Another crybaby for Jeebus wrote this bullshit:

Belittling those who don't share one or more of your beliefs is telling about your character.


"your beliefs" Reality is not a belief.


There were more crybabies who complained about what I wrote. I ignored them. The stupidity never ends with these stupid fucking assholes.

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