Sunday, July 5, 2020

If you're a Christian then you're a fucking retard. Grow up FFS.

When normal people want to learn something about evolution they go to science websites.

When Christians want to learn something about evolution they go to bible websites or some other anti-science website.

What's their fucking problem? Are they afraid of real scientists? Are they too cowardly to learn something? Do they have zero curiosity?

It's all of the above. Christians refuse to learn anything about evolution because this branch of science destroys their disgusting ridiculous cult.

It's a stupidity problem. Some of these people might have successful careers but they're still just plain fucking stupid.

This is the 21st century FFS. There is no excuse for being an evolution denier. And there is no excuse for sticking Jeebus into science. Those are the fucktards who think Jeebus is one of the mechanisms of evolution and that's ridiculous.

The people who think a worthless dead preacher magically became a zombie are not just stupid, they're fucking insane.

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