What is a Trump?
A Trump is an uneducated moron, also known as the President of the United States and the Commander and Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
How did a moron get the job?
There was an election in 2016. The candidates were Hilary Clinton and Donald Fucktard Trump. Trump never wanted the job and he knew he was not qualified for it. He was in it just to have fun. He knew he had no chance of winning and he didn't want to win.
How did this fucking retard get the job even though he's an idiot?
Virtually all the evangelicals voted for him.
What is an evangelical?
An evangelical is an uneducated moron, a Christian extremist, and a science denier. Evolution makes evangelical fucktards cry. Evangelicals would make America a Christian theocracy if they could get away with it. Evangelicals are stupid fucking assholes. They have zero moral values.
Why did the evangelical morons vote for Trump?
Morons like morons. Also Trump repeatedly sucked up to evangelical assholes. Before the election Trump ignored religions. If someone asked Trump "Do you believe in Mr. God" Trump would have said "What's a god?" There is nobody on this planet more retarded than Trump.
The good news is Trump will lose the election in 2020. The bad news is I said the same thing in 2016 and I was wrong.
"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
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