Sunday, November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017 More violence in Idiot America.

Multiple People Killed in Baptist Church Shooting in South Texas Texas attorney general tells Fox News at least 25 are dead; gunman is deceased, local official says

Virtually all Baptists are evolution deniers. Also the vast majority of Texans are creationists. They have my contempt. However it's totally wrong to murder these people.

The violence will never end in Idiot America. Thanks to our Bill of Rights (which is sacred and can never be changed) Americans can own weapons. More could be done to prevent lunatics from owning a weapon but in a country with more guns than people anyone can buy a weapon no matter what the rules are.

UPDATE: This is typical. A moronic comment at the Wall Street Journal:

"God bless those killed, the wounded, their families, their friends...I'm saying my prayers for them."

Empty words. Does this moron for Jeebus really care about these people he doesn't know? Also the "god bless" bullshit and the "prayers" bullshit. I see this stupidity all the time in Idiot America. As if their magical master of the entire universe is going to listen to idiots talk to themselves.

UPDATE: "The suspect started firing outside the church and kept firing as he entered, said Freeman Martin, regional director for the Texas Department of Public Safety. As he exited, Mr. Martin said, a local resident grabbed his own gun and 'engaged him.' The resident pursued the suspect as he got back in his vehicle and drove away. The vehicle crashed, and the suspect was found dead inside."

This is the upside to people owning guns. Somebody fixed the problem before the police got there. Only in Texas would this happen.

UPDATE: BBC News: Texas church shooting leaves at least 26 dead

UPDATE: I found some more Christian stupidity in the Wall Street Journal comments:

"May the Lord receive the victims in His arms and comfort the families."

What a fucking retard.

More bullshit from another Christian moron:

"He is accountable for his actions and is currently being held accountable to GOD for what he has done, make no mistake about that part."

UPDATE: "The Texas church shooter who mercilessly shot dead 26 people and injured 24 others was an 'outcast' who 'preached his atheism' online."

This is a big problem in America. Every Sunday an atheist lunatic walks into a church and kills all the women and children.

UPDATE: Some people think "the killer was an atheist" is a hoax. It's doesn't matter. He was just an asshole and totally insane.

UPDATE: The Texas Church Shooter’s Religious History Is Very Confusing
For what it’s worth, the shooter’s supposed LinkedIn profile offers a very different story. It says he taught Vacation Bible School at a (different) Baptist church in 2013, where he worked with kids ages 4-6, “helping their minds grow and prosper.” (Reports say children were among those killed in today’s attack.)

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