There is a website called "Catholic Answers". I found this article about evolution: Evolution and the Magisterium
Magisterium: The teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church, especially as exercised by bishops or the Pope. The official and authoritative teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
The idea is the bishops and the pope make stuff up and then tell their gullible customers what to believe.
Catholics say the pope is OK with evolution but millions of Catholics didn't get the memo. They have thrown out science because they prefer their childish magical creationism fantasy.
Notice the idiot who wrote this uses the ridiculous word "evolutionism". Only science deniers use that word. Evolution is called "evolution".
"After the discoveries of modern biology and Humani Generis, it took a while for many Catholics to get comfortable taking these passages in a less literal sense. But, just as they grew at ease taking the geocentric-sounding passages in a heliocentric manner, they also began to take passages like Genesis 2:7 in a manner compatible with human evolutionism."
"By the time of John Paul II, one would be hard pressed to find a high-ranking churchman who did not approve of such a reading. In fact, anxious not to have a repeat of the public relations fiasco that happened with Galileo, many Church officials went out of their way to make positive comments about modern science, including the idea of human evolution, as long as it was proposed in a way compatible with the Catholic faith."
I had to look this one up: Humani Generis is a papal encyclical that Pope Pius XII promulgated on 12 August 1950 "concerning some false opinions threatening to undermine the foundations of Catholic Doctrine".
"Church officials went out of their way to make positive comments about modern science, including the idea of human evolution, as long as it was proposed in a way compatible with the Catholic faith."
Science doesn't care what is compatible with the Catholic faith. The Catholics don't want to throw out their magical soul fantasy so they stick the soul into evolution. They don't want to admit evolution kills their moronic death cult.
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