The people who read the Wall Street Journal are mostly Republicans. Most Republicans are extremely god-soaked. Most Republicans are evolution deniers. Most Republicans are fucking idiots.
I used to be a Republican but eventually I could no longer tolerate their war against the environment, their war against science, and their love for religious insanity. I still have a subscription to the WSJ because it's cheaper than the New York Times. I can still read 10 articles a month at the NYT for free.
To accommodate the numerous god-soaked morons who read their newspaper they have an article about religion every Friday. The comments these people write are insane. They are totally god-soaked. There is no cure for these idiots.
This WSJ article was written about 2 years ago. An idiot thinks his Magic Man magically helped his son recover from a disease. No evidence provided of course. The stupid, it burns.
Wall Street Journal - The Power of Prayer—and Chemotherapy
"Chemotherapy, smart doctors and prayer saved my son. My private talks and my private yelling at God, however, saved me. I felt anger and betrayal. How could God let this happen to my son, my only son. I screamed at God and to him. The rants ended in my quiet prayers to God for Noah’s healing. These things came together to treat his Hodgkin’s disease. Chemotherapy alone, prayer alone . . . neither would have been enough."
Here are some of the most ridiculous comments. None of these idiots provide evidence for their moronic god fantasy. I'm convinced religion is brain damage.
An example: "The initial prognoses was ominous. But prayer and medical procedures have restored life."
Medical procedures fixed the problem. It's childish to pretend praying had anything to do with it. Try to imagine a magical being who listens to morons talk to themselves and then magically fixes some problem. The stupid is burning out of control. These idiots never learned how to think.
God answers all prayers. But, sometimes, the answer is, "No." I am glad that, in Noah's case, the answer was, "Yes, and use your gift to help others in the same situation."
We recently had a similar situation in our family. The initial prognoses was "ominous." But prayer and medical procedures have restored life. It was like having a loved one's death sentence commuted.
Thank you Dr. Zachery. Sadly, we lost our Noah, but we were sustained and brought back by our prayers, each other, and a whole army of people who had joined us in prayer. They were God's hands on our shoulders as we endured what no family should have to. Today we are happy and strong again. God bless you.
Most of the world's religions are focused upon the pursuit of a deity. Christianity is distinct in that God lovingly pursues us; unfortunately, the human response often stiff-arms God and says "no thank you."
Truly are the fortunate who come to reach the end of themselves. The biggest lie ever told is if you want something bad enough and work hard enough you will get it. These are both key attributes to achieve the goal. However, many have did this and came up empty. The final and most important ingredient is "God willing". I lived half my life an agnostic and now I am a devout Catholic. I believe God called me to the faith through the people I met. Today, prayer nourishes my soul like food and water nourish my body. My mind needs the most help because of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most.
"Different religions have different routes to the same destination: being close to God. If you believe in God, prayer is how we talk with him. It links us with generations past and present and with those to come. If you do not believe in God, prayer can hedge your bet, prayer can crystallize your thoughts and hopes and your fears. Prayer is among your best hopes for becoming a better human being. Prayer can be the self-repair for the world of damaged souls." A beautiful paragraph.
We recently had a similar situation in our family. The initial prognoses was "ominous." But prayer and medical procedures have restored life. It was like having a loved one's death sentence commuted.
I imagine God spends a lot of His time being shamed by our stupidity in doing things our way. He surely appreciates our thanking him every now and then for saving us in spite of ourselves.
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