Saturday, November 14, 2020

My two cents

These days I'm a big fan of Joe Biden. He defeated Fucktard Trump and that's a very good thing. It was getting more and more obvious another 4 years of Trump would have been a disaster for this country and this planet.

These are my ideas about what Trump did right and what Trump fucked up.

I'm going to start with what Trump fucked up.

Trump did everything he possibly could to destroy the environment. He was trying to destroy the planet. Trump is a world-class stupid fucking asshole.

The coronavirus thing - Trump repeatedly told Americans they didn't have to wear a mask if they didn't want to. He said wearing a face mask was optional. That probably cost thousands of lives. That's genocide. What a fucking moron.

After being defeated Trump still has not congratulated his opponent, Joe Biden. Why? It's because he is a stupid fucking asshole.

Many books have been written and will be written about all the things Trump fucked up. Some day there will be a movie about Trump and it will be about his stupidity.


What Trump did right:

Some people will disagree, but his decision to kill the 2nd most important member of Iran's theocracy was a good thing. He took a big chance but it worked. The asshole Trump killed needed to be killed.

Trump made it impossible for Muslim scum to enter this country and that's a very good thing. We don't need terrorists coming here to cut off heads. Biden is going to let these terrorists get in. That's not a good idea.

Early in Trump's administration, he told his generals they didn't need his permission to kill the Muslim scum terrorists in Iraq. The result: The United States Armed Forces wiped out those fucking assholes.

Muslims blow themselves up every day. They long ago lost their right to live on this planet.

Trump knew Iran's theocracy was causing lots of problems in several countries. Trump decided to throw out the agreement we had with them and Trump did everything he could to make Iranians hate their dictator.

Trump gave Israel everything they wanted. Trump was the best friend Israel ever had. And that's a good thing. And thanks to Trump, Isreal now has a good relationship with many countries in the Middle East.

Trump was criticized for sucking up to the dictator of North Korea. But at least he tried to fix a problem. And that's better than doing nothing.

Before the coronavirus disaster, the American economy was fantastic thanks to Trump. Even people who were in prison found it easy to get a job. If there was no coronavirus, Trump would probably have been the president for 8 years instead of 4 years.

Maybe the coronavirus was a good thing because it prevented Trump from winning the 2020 election. It sure was a good thing for me. I got a $1,200 check out of it, and I think Biden will send me another $1,200. I don't need any of this money, but I like to have it. Money is a good thing.


That's "my two cents".

Google: "My two cents" is an American idiomatic expression, taken from the original English idiom "to put in my two-penny worth" or "my two cents". It is used to preface a tentative statement of one's opinion.

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