Is Darwinism false and a fairytale with no real evidence?
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• First of all, the correct term is "evolution." Second, Darwin's writings provide a good deal of evidence directly, and then science has been able to provide TONS more evidence in the years since Darwin's works were published. Darwin was wrong about some things, and was clearly a product of his time and culture, but the evidence his writings provided are more than enough to show that evolution is based in fact, rather than fantasy.
Incorrect. We actually have LOTS of evidence. DNA evidence, fossil evidence, experimental laboratory evidence, we've seen evolution happen in real time in nature and documented it, the structure of animals where we can see vestiges of former shapes and features in animals that are losing them is evidence.
"Is Darwinism false..." No. While evolution as a theory has moved well beyond Darwin's original thesis, the core concepts of Darwin's thesis are consistent with the evidence. (Think of Darwinism as a Model-T and modern evolutionary biology as a Tesla.) "... and a fairytale...", No. Fairytales are stories about magic, there is nothing magical about evolution, it is based on observable evidence and has become the basis of most modern medicine. (However, creation stories from the Bible and other holy books have much in common with fairytales, including magic spells and magical beings.) "...with no real evidence?" No. Since Darwin first published The Origin of the Species over 100 years ago people like you have been trying to find evidence to discredit his conclusions. Evolution has withstood every test and remains one of the most studied and best supported scientific theories in the history of science. To claim there is no evidence for evolution requires that you are either lying or are ignorant.
Darwinism is an antiquated phrase only used by ignorant people that have failed to attempt to keep up with the last 200 years of biology.
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