Friday, September 18, 2020

I answered a question about the breathtaking stupidity of Idiot America's Christian retards.

Can you believers explain?

1. Where did Noah find enough wood,in the middle east to build ship that size?

2. Where did Noah learn how to build a ship?

3. Where's the evidence of a global flood that large only like 4000 yrs ago?

4. How did meat eating animals not eat all the other animals?

5. How did ants survive? There's gotta be whole group of them to survive.

6. How did animals from colder climates survive in the middle east?

7. Other civilizations lived in same time period as when creationists believe the flood actually happened. So how come all their recorded history, all their documentation that we have. Doesn't have any mention of this global flood.

-- Anonymous


You wrote a list of 7 reasons the Noah's Ark genocide myth was impossible.

There are thousands of more reasons why the ridiculous disgusting childish myth is impossible.

These problems don't matter for the people who are willing to believe all the bible bullshit. Brainwashing destroyed their brains. Their stupidity can't be fixed.


Someone else wrote this. I'm adding it to my list of favorite quotes. YEC means Young Earth Creationists.

"Three words: deus ex machina. Magic is the duct tape that patches physical impossibility, gaps in logic, and internal conflicts. The sloppiest of all literary devices is revered by YECs as proof divine inspiration."

-- Internet name: The Book of David

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