Saturday, August 8, 2020

I asked some Christian assholes a question about why they are so fucking stupid.

Christian creationists will waste their entire lives being completely wrong about everything. Why do they refuse to educate themselves?

Do Christians think they would go to hell if they googled "Wikipedia evidence for evolution"? Why are they so afraid of Wikipedia and other science websites? Why do they get all their information about science from anti-science crackpots?

They're not going to learn anything from crackpots. It seems like they are going out of their way to know nothing. Maybe real scientists make them cry.


I wrote this for two Christian assholes:

1st asshole:

You gave me a link to a dishonest anti-science crackpot website. That was my point. You will never learn anything from crackpots.

2nd asshole:

You're a science denier. You don't know anything about evolution. And you never will use Wikipedia to look things up. You want to know nothing. And using the words "atheistic evolution" show you don't even know what science is. There is nothing atheistic or theistic about it. Your problem is incurable. Nobody cares. Just stop pretending you know anything about evolution. You know nothing.


I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

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