Faith Versus Fact by Jerry Coyne. This book repeatedly and totally kills the ridiculous god fairy fantasy.
For example this stuff about the idiotic "theistic evolution" fantasy:
"Theistic evolution fails to harmonize science with religion because it pollutes evolution with creationism, positing interventions by God that are either scientifically refuted or untestable--and therefore superfluous. That is why, though eagerly embraced by the American public, theistic evolution has been completely rejected by scientists."
If you're a Christian fucktard, grow up FFS. Your god fairy was never required for anything so there is no reason to pretend your fairy is real.
And your magical resurrection of Jeebus is fucking insane. Your disgusting cult completely depends on throwing out reality as if that were possible.
Christians, learn how to think and then try to think. You can do it. You don't have to be a superstitious moron for the rest of your life.
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