This is what I wrote for a Christian asshole and his fucktard Christian Creationist Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design" are code words that mean "The Magic Man did it." It's childish, anti-science, and impossible. Everything else you wrote was ridiculous and dishonest.
This is his bullshit. He called biologists "Darwinists". He uses all the same anti-science bullshit that's been used for many years. For example "molecules-to-man evolution". Nobody says that unless they're a know-nothing creationist asshole.
The asshole gets all his information about science from the most anti-science website in the world, the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute.
One of his links was written by CASEY LUSKIN. He is not a scientist. He's an uneducated moron and he is in the Encyclopedia of American Loons. Everyone who works for the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute is in the Encyclopedia of American Loons.
This bullshit is typical in Idiot America. The stupid is overwhelming. Here it is, the whole disgusting thing:
Most Christians I know don't want biblical creationism taught in science classes (they would butcher it, and then there’s the argument about all the other creation stories being taught). What we want is for molecules-to-man evolution (chemical and biological evolution) to be taught with all its warts—in many states, they are not even allowed to present evidence that would put evolution in a poor light. And we want Intelligent Design to at least be mentioned (with teachers free to discuss it without fear of being sacked). Unlike alchemy, storks bringing babies, a flat earth, etc., a significant percentage of the (tax-paying) population believes in ID (which is agnostic regarding the source of design and encompasses every "creation" story).
According to a nationwide survey in January 2016, 81% of American adults believe that “when teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution, biology teachers should cover both scientific evidence that supports the theory and scientific evidence critical of the theory” (SurveyMonkey).
As Dr. John West put it, “Those who are trying to put a gag order on teachers and students to insulate Darwin's theory from critical inquiry are the real extremists” (
Whenever someone mentions this kind of stuff, Darwinists jump from their trees and start behaving as if someone had stolen their bananas. Apparently, academic freedom is for other subjects. At the moment, educators are in the interesting position of not teaching students, but instead conditioning them to recite the “correct” answers without a second thought to other possible explanations. Today’s science education does not sufficiently emphasize inquiry-based learning.
What are the Darwinists afraid of? A little critical analysis never hurt anyone who had the evidence on their side. The Darwinists “worship” their idol but don’t listen to him. He said, “A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question...” (Charles Darwin, Origin of Species).
Evolutionists typically claim that the evidence for modern Darwinism is “overwhelming.” But they ACT as if they know the evidence is so shaky that the slightest whiff of open discussion will topple the theory. And if high school students are capable of understanding the arguments and evidence FOR modern evolutionary theory, then they should be able to understand (and rationally discuss) scientific criticisms of modern evolutionary theory.
The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution
Evolution's Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries
Bacteria to Beethoven
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