Saturday, August 6, 2011
If you're stupid enough to believe there's a magic god fairy hiding somewhere in the universe, then you're stupid enough to believe any bullshit.
Hello Christians (and your Muslim terrorist friends). I'm going to be completely honest about you assholes in this post. I don't like you. I'm convinced every single one of you is a fucking idiot. Instead of contributing to human progress you drooling morons are constantly getting in the way. Even worse you tards do everything you possibly can to make your children (and everyone else's children) superstitious imbeciles like yourselves.
In this post I'm going to try to explain to you Christian subhumans a very important concept. It's called reality. Here's the dictionary definition (by the way you Christian idiots should use the dictionary instead of making up your own definitions of words). Reality: The quality or state of being actual or true.
Understand Christians? This means the bullshit you believe in is not reality. Your religious bullshit is called fantasy. Fantasy: An imagined event or condition fulfilling a wish.
For example you cowardly Bible thumpers and terrorists wish for a life after death. You don't appreciate the fact that you're extremely lucky to have the one life you really have. Instead you greedily wish for a 2nd life and you wish your 2nd life is in a paradise where everything is magic. What you cowards wish for is ridiculously impossible but you stupidly believe it anyway, never caring that your childish heaven fantasy makes terrorism possible.
Getting back to the title of this post, I noticed the tards who are gullible enough to believe in a magical god virtually always believe in several other bullshit ideas. I already mentioned the wishful thinking called heaven. There is also another equally childish wishful thinking called "god loves you".
How do you tards know your invisible fairy loves you? Has it ever occurred to you lunatics that a Magical Master of the Universe, if that idiotic fantasy was real, might not give a shit about you, especially since you are just one of seven billion human apes on an insignificant planet in a vast universe of countless trillions of planets. You accept the "god loves you" fantasy as fact only because that's exactly what you wish for.
You Christian scum need to understand that wishful thinking virtually never makes anything true. This is what reality is all about. Reality can't be changed just because you don't like it or because you're too cowardly to accept it. Instead of wishing for the impossible what you should do is grow up, educate yourselves, and face facts. Learn how to make the most of reality. Be grateful for what you have instead of acting like a greedy child.
Your religious fantasies are a terrible waste of a life. The time you waste reading your worthless disgusting holy book or praying to your dead Jeebus would be better spent trying to understand the discoveries of 21st century science, especially evolutionary biology. You will find out reality is many thousands of times more interesting than your boring supernatural bullshit.
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