"There is absolutely nothing 'calming' about a Presidential candidate that does not appear to know what day the election is on. Forgets the name of the President he served with. Forgets the office he is running for. Seems to believe he was "arrested" in South Africa. Tells vivid and long winded stories about civil rights heroics that never happened. Gives rallies and town halls that are still relatively sparsely attended and his "handlers" only allow him to speak for about 10 minutes or he melts down. Insults and attacks the very voters he needs to get elected. If you Mrs. Marcus believe that the person as described here is ready to take on Trump and sit in the oval office as leader of the free world. You are living in a zone without common sense or logic. I will not misuse my hard earned right to vote in such a way as to put Joe Biden who is in the midst of serious and ever devolving cognitive decline into office as President of the United States. If you want to use this platform to promote that notion and if you want to use your vote in that way fine....I will not and I NEVER will!!"
The Democrats fucked up. They should have voted for Mike Bloomberg instead of Joe Biden. Trump could and probably will defeat Biden, but Bloomberg would have easily defeated Trump.
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