I answered this question:
"The Bible is clearly a work of fiction. How else can anyone explain a boat with every animal in it and a man swallowed by a whale?"
Anyone who has a brain can figure out the bible stories were written by uneducated morons who were just making things up.
For example, every bible quote that has anything to do with the god thing is most certainly wrong because the god thing is not real.
I recommend the book "GOD, The Most Unpleasant Character In All Fiction" by Dan Barker.
Can you imagine the stupidity required to believe in bible bullshit in the 21st century? These fucktards for Jeebus are insane. They even believe the Noah's Ark genocide myth, and they think the genocide was justified, including the murder of babies. These people are just totally insane. There is no cure.
"If anything is absolutely, rock-bottom true, it’s that life evolved, beginning about 4 billion years ago, and that the creation myth of Genesis is completely wrong."
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
Someone else wrote this: "The one where Joshua stops the sun in the sky from setting has all other fairytales beat. That's gotta be right up there with Muhammad splitting the moon in half."
Someone else wrote this:
That falls under god can do anything and is mysterious and has many invisible attributes that only believers can see aka confirmation bias and wishful thinking.
The ironic part of Noah and the flood was that god specifically did that to rid the world of an evil generation especially the Nephilim but guess what - It failed and the Nephilim and evil generation lived on after Noah.
This god and his garden failed, his plan to wipe out evil failed, he has failed to appear and probably has warrants for his arrest.
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