Muslims are uneducated morons. They know nothing about science. Evolution by natural selection makes them cry. Muslims have been brainwashed to believe their imaginary Allah magically created the human species out of nothing.
Christian fucktards have the same problem. However some Christians accept evolution if they can make the Magic Jeebus Man one its mechanisms. They call their moronic fantasy "theistic evolution" and that's bullshit.
The Muslims never accept the ridiculous theistic evolution bullshit. They all totally reject evolution. To make sure Muslims will always be know-nothing science deniers, the Muslim theocracies do not allow the teaching of evolution. So Muslims never learn anything unless they look things up.
The good news is some Muslims did look things up and what they found (evolution is the strongest fact of science) made them realize Islam's most important fantasy (magical creationism) is bullshit and therefore Islam is bullshit. So they throw out Islam and always they replace Islam with reality, aka atheism. They don't join some other moronic religious cult. Instead, they become normal people, aka atheists. And this is a good thing.
Muslims are scum but ex-Muslims have my total respect. They are risking their lives because they know their own relatives would kill them if they throw out Islam.
In Idiot America we have a Christian war against science education. Muslim theocracies have the same problem. Fortunately, people can look things up and then realize Allah is not real.
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