Evolution makes Christian assholes cry. Science education makes these assholes cry, especially when the science is evolution.
Christian scum want to dumb down or suppress the teaching of evolution. They want all students in Idiot America to be idiots like them.
How do these morons for Jeebus solve their problem? They will do anything they can get away with including harassing and threatening science teachers.
Their other idea which has been successful in some of the most backward god-soaked states is changing the science curriculum to give equal time for both the science of evolution and the religious fantasy called "magical creationism".
Since this would be a violation of the Establishment Clause of our Bill of Rights, they try to get their way by inventing new words to replace "magical creationism". Their idea, which is now several years old, is calling magical creationism "magical intelligent design creationism", except they remove the words "magical" and "creationism".
Their idiotic attempt to stick this bullshit into public schools failed in 2005 when a federal judge would not let these stupid fucking assholes get away with destroying science education.
Judge Jones excoriated members of the Dover, Pa., school board, who he said lied to cover up their religious motives, made a decision of "breathtaking inanity" and "dragged" their community into "this legal maelstrom with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources."
After this bullshit failed did they give up? Of course not. They invented new bullshit. The idea they use now is called "teach the controversy".
Evolution is the strongest fact of science. There is no controversy about the basic facts of evolution. These liars for Jeebus want to get away with this bullshit because they know evolution kills their moronic Christian cult.
If you are interested in this subject (Christian assholes in Idiot America) here are some Wikipedia links:
Wikipedia - Santorum Amendment
Wikipedia - Intelligent design
Wikipedia - Teach the Controversy
RationalWiki - Teach the controversy
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