As everyone knows, Catholic priests like to have their way with little boys. The Catholic Church is the world's largest child abuse organization. The problems include covering up the abuse to protect the Church's reputation. That didn't work. These days everyone knows the entire Church, including the Pope, is part of the problem.
The idiot Pope could demand the police be called every time this child abuse happens but he doesn't want to do that. The Pope and everyone else in that organization is a stupid fucking asshole.
Fortunately there is something called
All the atrocities are documented. The thing is huge. I suggest look at it to see how disgusting the problem is.
The Catholic Church must be completely destroyed. The best way to do that is people should just stop going to church and stop feeding the child abusers.
Unfortunately all Catholics are stupid fucking assholes. They're part of the problem. Catholics have zero moral values.
One more thing: Every branch of Christianity, including Catholicism, believes the Magic Jeebus Man, after decomposing for 3 days, magically became a zombie. I'm not making this up. Christianity is the most ridiculous cult ever invented. Every Christian in the world is batshit crazy.
Insane and zero moral values. Christians are scum.
This one of numerous examples:
The Louisville Documents
The archdiocesan documents were the source from which all the revelations came. The files contain reports of abuse and evidence of notice received by the archdiocese. We find the paper trails of priests transferred to unsuspecting parishes – and even moved to other dioceses – after a survivor comes forward. We see victims sweet-talked and pressured into unjust settlements, and treated most cruelly if they fight back. We find a beautiful-sounding policy ignored again and again. We even find poignant statements by the survivors themselves, preserved in the files of the institution where they suffered their abuse.
Now for the first time, the Louisville files can be read by the people of the Louisville archdiocese and by Americans and interested persons around the world. This crisis is now breaking in Belgium, Chile, and other countries, where bad bureaucracy and managerial cowardice are being uncovered, just as they have been in the Louisville archdiocese.
Below we provide a selection of survivor witness from the archdiocesan archives. Every scrap of information that has surfaced from the crisis has emerged from moments of individual courage and dignity like these. Then we offer an easy-to-explore collection of documents that show some of the failures of management in the Louisville archdiocese. Unfortunately, despite the many revelations of recent years, complicit church managers and problematic systems have endured. Next we offer a selection from the Courier-Journal's excellent coverage. And then we provide hundreds of pages of the files themselves. The files are presented with assignment records for each priest and profiles of the survivors.
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