I have curiosity and a lot of time on my hands so I like to look things up. After I play a chess game (at https://lichess.org) if my opponent's country is in their profile, I use wikipedia to learn about the country and google maps to explore the city. Then I go back to the game and use the free Lichess computer analysis to find out why I lost.
Today I played a game against someone who lives in Ushachy, Belarus which of course I never heard of before. (I won an interesting game.)
I used Google Translate to find out Ушачи, Belarus is Ushachy, Belarus. The translation was from the Belarusian language which I also know nothing about and I will probably look it up.
At Wikipedia I found this terrible thing that happened in Ushachy during World War Two:
This is from USHACHI, Belorussia (Belarus):
The following appears in “World War II Plus 55” by David H. Lippman http://usswashington.com/worldwar2plus55/index.htm :
January 13, 1942... The rising tide of Nazi atrocities provokes an Allied response in London. The representatives of nine occupied countries there sign a declaration that all those guilty of "war crimes" will be punished after the war. General Sikorski signs for Poland and General Charles De Gaulle for France. Among their "principal war aims" is "the punishment, through the channels of organized justice, of those guilty of, or responsible for, these crimes, whether they have ordered them, perpetrated them, or participated in them."
January 14, 1942...Nazi forces react to the Allied war crimes declaration the day before by leading 807 Byelorussian Jews to a pit near the village of Ushachi, and shooting them. As the Jews lie dying, local peasants who have witnessed the massacre climb down into the pit to pull what gold they can from the teeth of the dead and dying. At nearby Kublichi, 925 Jews are murdered, and local peasants again loot the dead.
This is from Wikipedia - Ushachy, Belarus
In 1939, 487 Jews lived in the town, making up 23.8% of the total population. The city was under German occupation from 1941 to 1944. A ghetto fenced with barbed wire was established in Ushachi in October 1941. The Ushachi Jews in the ghetto were murdered on January 12, 1942 in pits dug in advance by local residents near the cemetery. Before the liquidation, some Jews managed to set fire to the ghetto and to escape. Some days later, the Jews of Kublichi were killed at the same pits where Ushachi Jews were killed.[1]
Ushachy (Belarusian: Ушачы, Russian: Ушачи) is a town, the capital of the Ushachy Raion, Vitsebsk Voblast, Belarus. The city is located 101 kilometers west of Vitebsk.
This has a video. A witness who was there at a young age. He explained in detail the atrocities. People should listen to it.
"The Map of Holocaust by Bullets": Execution of Jews in Ushachi
Also people should see this: https://www.yahadmap.org/#map/.
1,473 - Total number of documented execution sites, Jews murdered by bullets. From the map it looks like hundreds of thousands of people were killed with bullets. Click any location to read about it. They make the Jews dig the pits that will be used to shoot them. They don't all die right away. Some of them probably get buried alive.
These are religious atrocities. Christians killing people who belong to the wrong religion.
Wikipedia - Belarusian language
According to a study done by the Belarusian government in 2009, 72% of Belarusians speak Russian at home, while Belarusian is actively used by only 11.9% of Belarusians. Approximately 29.4% of Belarusians can write, speak, and read Belarusian, while 52.5% can only read and speak it.
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