Wikipedia - The magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man
The resurrection of Jeebus is the Christian religious belief that, after being put to death, Jeebus rose again from the dead: as the Nicene Creed expresses it, "On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures".
Of course the magical resurrection of the decomposing Jeebus never happened because it's impossible. The fantasy requires throwing out all of reality but reality can't be thrown out.
This ridiculous fantasy is the most important Christian belief. If you don't buy this bullshit you are not a real Christian.
How many Christians are there? I looked it up.
"Christianity is the largest religion in the world and according to the Pew Research Center, is likely to remain so for the next four decades. As of 2010, the latest year for which figures are available, there are an estimated 2.2 billion Christians around the world."
These means 2,200,000,000 people think zombies are real. I'm not surprised. The average human ape is a moron. Most Christians are below moron.
Beside being impossible, ridiculous, and a denial of reality, the fantasy is disgusting. The dead preacher was decomposing for 3 days. Imagine the horrible smell.
Also why would the Magic Man, aka the master of the entire fucking universe, perform this disgusting magic trick? And why would it perform this magic for this insignificant planet in a universe of countless trillions of solar systems?
Another problem is the Magic Man is not real. There is no magic in the universe.
Christianity should have gone extinct a long time ago. This bullshit does not belong in the 21st century.
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