This is from Wikipedia - Level of support for evolution: "The overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts evolution as the dominant scientific theory of biological diversity."
This includes 100% of the world's biologists. They all agree evolution is the strongest fact of science. They all agree human apes share an ancestor with cockroaches, trees, and chimpanzee apes. They all agree a magic god fairy had nothing to do with it.
Why are biologist 100% certain evolution is true? It's because of the evidence, countless thousands of evidences, evidences more powerful than Charles Darwin could have imagined possible, evidence that's growing so fast even the most experienced biologist could not keep up with it.
With all this undeniable evidence for evolution why are there still millions of evolution deniers in countries like the Middle East and Idiot America?
It's a stupidity problem and it's a religious bullshit problem.
Why can't these fucktards grow up and educate themselves?
They have numerous excuses to know nothing. They have decided evolution is wrong therefore it is wrong and there is no reason to understand it.
Ask a Christian fucktard to study the thousands of evidences at Wikipedia - Evidence of common descent. It would take a lifetime to study the whole thing. They are too lazy to click a link. If they do take a look at it, they spend one minute to find something they think is wrong then they're done. Evolution is still wrong.
Extreme stupid can't be fixed. These retards for Jeebus and Allah will waste their entire lives being completely wrong about everything.
Millions of people are morons. Who cares?
The problem is these assholes brainwash children to prefer magic instead of science. This is child abuse but they're getting away with it.
Even worse these stupid fucking assholes are trying to dumb down the teaching of evolution, not caring if they destroy science education for all students.
Obviously these god-soaked idiots need to be repeatedly ridiculed. Being nice never did work and it never will work.
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