The vast majority of the idiots in Idiot America are Christian fucktards. They worship a worthless preacher who dropped dead 2,000 years ago.
Christians are extremely gullible. If a moronic fantasy makes them feel good they call it a fact. For example the magical resurrection of the decomposing Jeebus into a zombie. I can't imagine anything more disgusting and more anti-reality. Christians are fucking morons.
Christians are afraid of evolution so they throw it out or they stick Jeebus into it.
Christians repeatedly say there is no evidence for evolution even though it's the strongest fact of science. Their stupidity is breathtaking.
Christians are cowards. They can't exist without their childish magical-2nd-life fantasy. Reality makes them cry.
Christian are stupid fucking assholes. They are constantly sticking their nose in other people's private lives. Christians can't mind their own fucking business.
Christian scum are constantly trying to dumb down the teaching of evolution. For example they harass and threaten biology teachers who teach the foundation of biology in their biology classrooms.
Christians are terrorists. They tell normal people their loving god will torture them forever if they don't suck up to the thing.
Christianity is a mental illness. There is no cure. We can only wait until they drop dead. Good riddance when that happens.
Typical asshole for Jeebus: "Duh, duh, the Magic Jeebus Man did it, duh."
The extreme stupid, it burns.
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