In other news nobody cares about I played 7 games of chess today at
There was one draw, 6 losses, zero wins. It's OK because I learned a few things but it's nice to win at least one game. Not today. I'll try again tomorrow.
Chess is a knife fight. My opponents from numerous different countries are constantly trying to kill me.
I use the time control that gives each player 10 minutes to play the entire game. It's not easy to manage the time I use. Sometimes I move too fast and sometimes I move too slow. Time trouble is a big problem.
My profile is at
UPDATE: Today Wednesday May 9, 2018 I have played 3 games. Two draws, one loss, zero wins.
I should have lost the 3rd game. It was so hopeless most people would have resigned. I never give up. Despite the odds I got a draw.
UPDATE: I finally won a game. I was winning then I fucked up and I was losing. Then my opponent ran of time so I won even though he had an easy win.
I don't always suck at chess. In April 2018 I won 10 games in a row.
UPDATE: May 14, 2018 I won 11 games in a row.
UPDATE: I'm going to put stuff here for me to look at later.
NEW YORK TIMES: Out There: ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Is Still the ‘Ultimate Trip’
There is no magic in the universe therefore a magic god fairy (and the Easter Bunny) are impossible. This is a basic fact of reality.
If people want to be normal they have to be a hardcore atheists, 100% certain gods are not real. The agnostics and theists have an insanity problem. They need to grow up and face facts.
YouTube THREE HOURS - Beautiful Relaxing Music: Norway's Nature, Violin Music, Flute Music, Piano Music, Harp Music
National Center for Science Education
SCIENCE DAILY: Record-breaking ocean heat fueled Hurricane Harvey. Ocean evaporation matched up with massive overland rainfall.
Are there any Christians here who agree people share an ancestor with chimpanzees?
THIS IS EXCELLENT EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION: The Most Unfortunate Design Flaws in the Human Body
Arab News - 85,000-year-old human footprints found in Saudi Arabia
William Shakespeare quotes:
Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
The course of true love never did run smooth.
For people who are interested in extreme stupid there's plenty of it at
This evidence for evolution is from "Three Histories of the Human Body" chapter 5, page 259 of the book "God's Word or Human Reason? An inside Perspective on Creationism" by Jonathan Kane, Emily Willoughby, and Michael Keesey.
Common ancestry of humans and apes can be inferred from the other lines of evidences described in this chapter, but the way that shared ERVs reinforce this pattern is perhaps the strongest single indication of it, a truly powerful and decisive smoking gun.
People should click the link to read the Amazon customer reviews of this excellent book about evolution.
Wikipedia - Everything you always wanted to know about the father of the Magic Jeebus Man, "Saint Joseph".
Millions of American fucktards are 100% certain this bullshit is real:
1. Noah and the Flood
After the Flood God gave His covenant. He gave it to Noah and his descendants; He gave it to every living creature and the earth. I remember reading that many times, asking myself: Why would God say, ‘I make My covenant with every living creature’? Why would God say He makes His covenant with the earth—rocks, sand, dirt, water? It finally dawned on me. God created it all! What God creates, He’s responsible for and He feels that He needs to take care of it.
Remember there was a garden in Eden, and God placed a man in there. What’s the first thing that He said to that man? Dress it and keep it! God wants His garden dressed and properly kept. He wants the earth running properly.
That is why He made the covenant with not only Noah, but every living creature in the earth, because all the earth is His!
The rest of it is at BULLSHIT.
A short conversation I had with an idiot:
"no human living on earth knows whether or not He does exist"
Speak for yourself. Just because you're too dense to understand reality doesn't mean everyone else has your disease.
There is no magic in the universe therefore magic god fairies and magic Easter Bunnies are impossible. This is a basic fact of reality.
Unlike Christian retards and agnostic morons I have a brain and I use it.
The mother and two daughters blew themselves up at one church, while the father and two sons targeted two others.
Creationists might not actually understand evolution
What I wrote for a Catholic fucktard:
Where is your magic god fairy hiding these days? Why hasn't the magical thing provided any evidence for its existence?
You're going to waste your entire life being completely wrong about everything. Nobody cares. We are just waiting for you superstitious morons to drop dead. Good riddance when that happens.
This is you: "Duh, duh, the Magic Man did it, duh."
Religions are good for nothing but stupidity, brainwashing, and never ending violence.
Wall Street Journal - At Least 16 Palestinian Protesters Killed as U.S. Opens Embassy in Jerusalem
Those killed with live fire included a 12- and 14-year-old, according to Gaza’s ministry of health.
BBC News - Gaza clashes: 52 Palestinians killed on deadliest day since 2014
Muslim scum can't get through the day without a riot.
May 14, 2018 - What I wrote somewhere else:
I’m betting North Korea will do everything they can to have free trade with the rest of the world. If I’m right this will be a fantastic accomplishment for Trump, perhaps good enough to win the 2020 election.
I also noticed anyone who wants a job in America can get a job. The economy has never been better and Trump’s tax reform bill made it possible. He also threw out unnecessary regulations on businesses.
I’m not voting for Trump but the Democrats have a problem. If they nominate a liberal extremist Trump will win.
What I wrote at Are you too weak for the truth?
"After the life is only black soundless nothingness."
I agree. That's reality. Reality is good thing.
"Anyone who denies is weak imbecile."
I agree. These people are cowards.
I was reading an article about Senator John McCain. He's a typical Republican theocratic asshole.
This is from the article:
He supported the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools – arguably a violation of the separation of church and state. He also said that public schools should teach creationism, even though the American Association for the Advancement of Science has warned that proponents of creationism have “failed to offer credible scientific evidence to undermine the accepted theory of evolution.”
In 2006, he voiced support for a law that would ban all abortions except when a woman’s life was endangered – a blatant violation of Roe v. Wade.
May 14, 2018 - List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days
"This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.
During this time period, there were 152 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 856 people were killed and 1090 injured."
I suggest click the link. People don't realize how many atrocities there are from the Religion of Peace.
Urban Dictionary - islamofauxbia
Fear of islamophobia. Fear that any action which might offend any Muslim could lead to accusations of islamophobia and must be avoided. Labelling any concerns over Islam as racist hate and rabid phobia, so as to avoid addressing the issue. Excusing Islam of any role in any incident. Replacing any reference to Muslim perpetrators with words like 'Asian' or 'extremist'. Refusal to investigate Muslim criminals for fear of being called racist. Seeing Muslims as always victims.
Did you hear there's been another Muslim terror plot. The Prime Minister has used islamofauxbia to say it's nothing to do with Islam which is a religion of peace and has warned against any backlash.
Islamofauxbic police ignored Muslim paedophile gangs.
As religious tensions flare in the House, four Democratic congressmen are launching a new group dedicated to science-based policy, separation of church and state, and freedom for all—including atheists.
I wrote this comment:
"Four Democratic congressmen are launching a new group dedicated to science-based policy, separation of church and state, and freedom for all—including atheists." It's about time. This is a good thing.
Somebody else wrote this:
It's 2018 and we're debating whether science is a good tool to use for decision making. Who would have imagined that?
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