In a perfect world there would be zero theists. That's a good thing because nothing would get in the way of human progress. If we get there we can throw out the word "atheist" because there would be no theists.
Religion is dying. A very slow death. As science education improves, despite the religious wars against science education, the more likely people will throw out their primitive cults.
Scientific progress is killing religion because the god of the gaps is rapidly running out of hiding places. Actually already there are no gaps. There will always be research opportunities in every branch of science but virtually everything has been figured out. Some ideas will have to be thrown out as new evidence becomes available but those ideas will never be replaced with a god's magical powers.
The internet is killing religion. I remember spending my entire youth never once meeting a normal person, aka atheist. These days there are thousands or millions of normal people on the internet who have thrown out the god bullshit.
How long will it take for the ridiculous god fantasy to go extinct? A very long time because the world is infested with millions of extremely stupid people. They will have to drop dead.
Unfortunately not much can be done about religious brainwashing. We can't force parents to stop brainwashing their children. However if science education is good enough these victims will be able to figure it out.
Perhaps the worst problem is the Christian and Muslim war against science education. It's a terrible problem in Idiot America and the Muslim theocracies. It's mostly a war against evolution.
In America we can take these assholes to court and we have done this numerous times, for example the trial in Dover, Pennsylvania which the creationists lost. The federal judge called the creationists "liars" and a few other things.
In the Muslim theocracies there is not much hope for any human progress. Science, especially human evolution, makes Muslims cry.
I notice these Muslim countries export mostly terrorism and suicide vests. These are extremely backward countries. They live in their Dark Ages. Fortunately a large number of Muslims are now ex-Muslims. They don't replace Islam with another moronic cult like Christianity. Instead they accept reality. They become normal people, aka atheists.
It would be impossible but interesting to take a time machine to 1,000 years in the future to see if religious stupidity has been eradicated.
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