"There is no way to explain the incredible complexity of design in nature, animals, and man, apart from a supernatural intelligence."
For more extreme stupid see where this bullshit came from:
If you look at the comments you will see even more extreme stupid.
Here is an example. Imagine the stupidity required to write this:
To accept anything other than what the Bible literally says about the creation is to compromise with what sinful, fallible men say. There are many reasons why evolution is a fairytale, and also a religion, a false religion. (see www.answersingenesis.org). Often it is those people who are the most intelligent among us who are the easiest fooled into accepting the evolution LIE. That is sad, because their influence upon the rest of us is considerable.
Here is one of rare comments written by somebody with a brain:
Wow, so much dreck on one page. First of all the author is using the old trick of trying to prove creation by attempting to take down evolution. Why don't you prove the existence of God in evolution instead? Because you can't. Even if evolution was proven wrong today it doesn't mean that a god did it.
"However, engineering, medicine, chemistry, and most of physics --
the hard sciences --do not require any reference to evolution." - but evolution uses the proven process of chemistry, geology and physics, etc to prove its case. And medicine DOES use evolution.
"Most Americans would not object to all sides of the debate being taught to their children, and that is what should be allowed." - I agree. Just not in a science classroom. Evolution is science the rest is not.
This is what I wrote for the dipshits:
I just googled "evolution evidence" and I got this "About 550,000,000 results (0.63 seconds)"
Why can't the science deniers do this? Why do science deniers go out of their way to know nothing?
This is the 1st result I got: http://humanorigins.si.edu/...
Why not study this stuff?
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