Islam has a few problems:
1. It's infested with countless thousands of terrorist lunatics who blow themselves up every day.
2. Allah is a bullshit fantasy.
3. Muslim cowards treat women like farm animals.
4. Mohammad was a pervert and he was an uneducated moron.
5. Islam requires praying (talking to yourself) 5 times a day.
6. Islam requires a belief in the most moronic and cowardly fantasy ever invented, a magical 2nd life.
7. Islam is an anti-science religious cult. Muslims are required to be evolution deniers, especially human evolution.
At Yahoo Answers I asked Muslim scum this question:
"If human evolution is true then would Islam have to be thrown out? The reason I ask: Human evolution is true. People share an ancestor with chimpanzee apes."
If there are any interesting answers I will put them here.
UPDATE: One answer from a Muslim moron is more ridiculous than the bullshit from Christian retards. Here it is. This fucktard for Allah knows nothing about science.
Is it? Then why did they fake it by putting a human skull and orangutan skull together to "prove" it? Why not real evidence instead of just theories from a time were they literally believed frogs materialized itself from mud, mice from bags of grains, etc? Theories are not facts. We also share 67% dna with cabbage. No one claim we were once cabbages for that reason. I would rather say it proves the same source. An intelligent designer. That animals evolved because of environment I have no problems with. Source:
UPDATE: Some more Muslim stupid:
"No human evolution is not true because we humans have the same ancestors from Adam and Eve based on the Quran. Apes are still apes since in those days up to now."
The last answer answers the question. The Quran invokes magical creationism therefore Muslims are required to throw out evolution. This means teaching evolution would be a good way to kill Islam. Unfortunately the Muslim theocracies will never teach any science.
Muslim scum will always be know-nothing morons. There is no cure for their mental illness.
UPDATE: There are numerous more anti-science answers. I suggest see this place to find out how totally dense Muslims are:
I thought it was impossible to be more dense than a Christian retard but Muslims are worse. They know nothing and it's obvious they never will know anything.
One person who is not a Muslim moron wrote the best answer and he also wrote numerous other comments. I was impressed. He knows a few things. His internet name: Lonesome Libertarian
Here is what he wrote. All of it is excellent:
Much of basic science and reason throws Islam out, but as Islam systematically brainwashes its followers to play mental gymnastics and excuse the Quran from genuine logical scrutiny, we still have Islam. The choice of Muslims to keep following Islam isn't a logically grounded one, but much more emotional. You won't convince them to leave Islam with logical arguments.
Evolution has been demonstrated mathematically; it is a known and observed natural process. The question is, did this natural process create humanity?
So far we have evidence to support the theory of evolution but ZERO evidence for religious creationist bull.
Except to our best understanding, it wasn't molecules and then *poof* a cell. There were complex self replicating chemical algorithms first which barely resembled anything living.
Prions and viruses are eerie reminders of how complex chemical packages can border on life.
We are talking about an entire prehistoric Earth full of warm oceans containing complex chemicals and volcanic vents; a breeding ground for life. In science we try explaining what is around us using hard evidence and reasoning, not "invisible sky man did it because it looks too complex".
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