The anti-science article which was written by a god-soaked uneducated moron is at
This fucking asshole thinks there is a debate about the established truth of evolution. There is no debate. Evolution is fact. Evolution deniers are just plain fucking stupid.
This is the comment I liked:
There are a few things missing from this article that are important. Konrad writes that evolution is a side show at best. This is absurd. Evolutionary theory is absolutely central to biology, microbiology, molecular biology, palaeontology, palaeobiology, genetics, basically anything that has to do with life. Is it central to physics? Of course not. That is a straw-man argument. What the hard sciences like physics DO have an effect on is discussion of the age of the earth. You would be very hard pressed to find a cosmologist, astrophysicist or geologist who thinks the earth was created 6,000 years ago.
The other thing missing is an examination of the many and sundry instances in which young earth creationists mangle, misinterpret or outright lie about what the scientific evidence supports. The article references a Creation Ministries International video that purports to show evidence of recent creationism. The problem is that every argument promoted is shot full of holes and each has been refuted by modern science. Contrary to his notion that the video raises some "extraordinarily good points," it does nothing of the sort. I examined some of these arguments once (https://scienceandcreation.... gave up in disgust because they were all either flat-out wrong or deceptive.
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