A fucking idiot wrote "God is a scientist."
Why does this supernatural scientist invoke itself to explain the natural world?
The stupid, it burns in Idiot America.
Most Wall Street Journal subscribers are Republicans. Most Republicans are extremely god-soaked. To accommodate these morons for Jeebus the WSJ every week has an article about god bullshit. A list of these articles is called "HOUSES OF WORSHIP". I call it Houses of Bullshit.
The October 13, 2017 WSJ article is at https://www.wsj.com/articles/dan-brown-cant-cite-me-to-disprove-god-1507847369 but I don't think anyone can read it unless they have a WSJ subscription. It's too much to copy and paste.
Another idiotic comment: "God has revealed his story so perfectly that he requires us to have the humility to have faith." There is so much stupid in that one sentence I'm not going to bother with it.
An idiot wrote "A scientist will tell you that the universe started with one Big Bang. Someone who believes in God will say yes, that is probably true, but what was there before the Big Bang, what caused it when there was nothing to go bang?"
This is what I wrote: "I'm not interested in this branch of science but I think this article might answer your question:
Instead of invoking God scientists try to figure out what really happened."
Another idiot wrote: "No, to -avoid- invoking God (that would get their union cards revoked), in order to explain away things like the Goldilocks problem, in which so many aspects of our universe, our sun and our planet that are massively improbably suited to make wonderful us possible, physicists postulate a sufficiently, arbitrarily large number of universes so that we can win the lottery. In principal, those other universes are separated and unobservable in any way by us: untestable and unfalsifiable theory. That's not science, that's religion: Sciencism."
This is what I wrote: "The article was about an idea. There was no claim the idea is definitely true. I just think it's wrong to give up and say God did it. Also 'God did it' doesn't solve the problem."
As usual the god-soaked desperately look for a hiding place for their god of the gaps. They want to replace science with fantasy. These idiots for Jeebus will never grow up.
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